Qualified SWPPP Practitioner/Developer (QSP) course: $400 - August 1-2,  September 5-6 (QSD) $250 - TBD

Caltrans Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM) In Person 8-hour course: $370 August 8

Sampling Training 2-hour course - $175 - August 13

Calculator Course (CPESC Part 2, R Factor, other calculations) - $175 - August 14 [Help you pass CPESC math problems] 

New Alternate Prerequisite Course for QSP: 16-hour Course (Under 2022 CGP) - $450 - August 15-16, September 12 & 13October 18 & 25November 14 & 15 Now you can get prequalified without getting CISEC or CESSWI or CPEC or other.

John Gleason is our trainer of record.  Group discounts available.

If you have any questions or need additional information contact Alicia Meza at (714) 322-8190 or

To register email Alicia Meza at and provide name, company, address, email, and phone number.  Submit payment via check or credit card.

Make checks payable to "M.S. Hatch Consulting, LLC" and mail 10 days prior to training:

14252 Culver Dr. Suite A
Mailbox # 276
Irvine, CA 92604

Credit Card Payment:

Online QSP/QSD Training - Various Dates Above

Qualified Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Practitioner (QSP) and Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) under the Construction General NPDES Permit (CGP, NPDES No. CAS000002, SWRCB Order 2009-0009-DWQ, as amended). Training led by John Gleason, PE, CPESC, QSD, QSP, QISP, Trainer of Record.

PLEASE NOTE: Only 12 students will be allowed, based on a first-come basis. 

Hosted by: M.S. Hatch Consulting, LLC
Where: Online (using M.S. Teams, to be sent upon registration) 

When: QSP 7:00am to 4:00 pm (Day 1), 7:00 am to 11:30 am (Day 2); QSD 7:00am to 4:00 pm

Discount prices (for cash, check, Venmo received at least 10 days prior to course): $400 for QSP only. Call for full price (for late and credit card +3.65%).

- Regulations (Order 2009-0009-DWQ), Erosion Theory, Sediment Control
- SWPPP Implementation – LUPs and Traditional projects
BMP Implementation and Maintenance – latest guidance
Rain Event Action Planning (REAP) and Active Treatment System (ATS)
Construction Site Monitoring
   - visual, BMP, stormwater, non-stormwater, non-visible, receiving water
   - checklists, sampling techniques, meter demo
Numeric Action Levels (NALs)
Reporting thru– SMARTS – NAL Exceedance and Annual Reports
SWPPP Development, CSMP/M&RP, Post-construction, NOT, Bioassessment

Electronic copies of the CGP, practice exams, exercises, and other handout materials provided.

Caltrans Water Pollution Control (WPC) Manager Training - Various Dates Above

As specified in Section 13-1.01D(3), "Training and Section 13-1.01D(4)(b), "Qualifications," of the 2018 Revised Standard Specifications.

PLEASE NOTE: Only 10 students will be allowed, based on a first-come basis. Training will be held under full COVID-19 compliance which includes: health screening questions, temperature checks, mask requirement, social distancing, hand, table, and chair sanitizing. 

Hosted by: M.S. Hatch Consulting, LLC
Where: Irvine, CA

When: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm


Discount prices (for cash, check, Venmo received at least 10 days prior to course): $370. Full price (for late and credit card +3.65%).


- Gathering and Assembling the Right Information/SWPPP/WPCP Resources
- Drafting a Site-Specific SWPPP/WPCP, BMP Inspection, Maintenance, and Documentation
- Sampling and Analysis Program (SAP)
- Water Pollution Control Manager emphasis: p
roperly implement, manage and amend the SWPPP/WPCP
- Maintain compliance with contract documents/permits (hands-on approach)
- Comply with WPC requirements during NOT process until RWQCB approval
- WPC BMP requirements for Contractor Yard within ROW
- DSA protection requirements prior to a storm event
- Stockpile Protection as Specified in “Job Site Management” specification
- Stormwater and Non-Stormwater dewatering requirements

Meter Demo, form practice exercises.

NEW QSP Prerequisite Alternate Course (16 hour course) - Various Dates Above

PLEASE NOTE: Only 12 students will be allowed, based on a first-come basis. 

Introducing the NEW 16-hour  QSP Prerequisite Course approved by CA State Waterboard!

This class replaces CISEC & CESSWI!

There are no prerequisites, years of experience or application fees!  No annual fees and no additional prerequisite certificate professional development (PDU) hours!

Hosted by: M.S. Hatch Consulting, LLC
Where: Online (using M.S. Teams, to be sent upon registration) 

When: 7:00am to 4:00 pm (Day 1 & 2)

Discount prices (for cash, check, Venmo received at least 10 days prior to course): $450 (for late and credit card +3.65%).



  • Hydrologic cycle including rainfall patterns, depths, intensities, and seasonality
  • Runoff characteristics based on slope and land cover/soil characteristics

Erosion Control

  • Water and wind erosion processes
  • Selection of best management practices (BMPs)
  • Erosion control BMPs include: compost blankets, earth dikes and drainage swales, fiber rolls, geotextiles and mats, hydraulic mulch, hydroseeding, non-vegetative stabilization, slope drains, soil binders, soil preparation and roughening (track walking), straw mulch, streambank stabilization, velocity dissipation devices, and wood mulch.
  • Design of erosion control BMPs
  • Proper installation
  • Inspection and evaluation
  • Maintenance and repair

Sediment Control

  • Sediment transport and settling processes (QSP) and analysis (QSD)
  • Selection of BMPs
  • Sediment control BMPs include: active treatment systems, berms, check dams, compost socks, fiber rolls, gravel bag berms, passive treatment technologies, sandbag barriers, sediment basins, sediment traps, silt fences, storm drain inlet protection, straw bale barriers, and street sweeping and cleaning
  • Design of sediment control BMPs
  • Proper installation
  • Inspection and evaluation
  • Maintenance and repair

Good Housekeeping

  • Tracking/street sweeping
  • Liquid and solid waste management and awareness of:
  • Construction and demolition materials
  • Contaminated soil

New Online Sampling Training (2hr) - Various Dates Above

Sampling under Construction General NPDES Permit (CGP, NPDES No. CAS000002, SWRCB Order 2009-0009-DWQ, as amended). Training led by John Gleason, PE, CPESC, QSD, QSP, QISP, Trainer of Record.

PLEASE NOTE: Only 12 students will be allowed, based on a first-come basis. Two students minimum per class.

Hosted by: M.S. Hatch Consulting, LLC
Where: Online (using M.S. Teams, invitation to be sent upon registration)

When: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Discount prices (for cash, check, Venmo received at least 10 days prior to course $175. Full price (for late and credit card +3.65%).


Course Outline:

  • Regulations (Order 2009-0009-DWQ) – qualifying rain event
  • Weather forecast, rain gauge
  • Sampling - stormwater, non-stormwater, non-visible, receiving water
  • Sampling equipment/supplies, sampling techniques
  • Field meter demonstration, calibration, troubleshooting
  • Storm Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) Quality Assurance program Plan (QAPrP)
  • Documentation and Reporting
    • Sampling log, chain of custody

    • Numeric Action Levels (NALs)-NAL Exceedance Evaluation/Report

    • Reporting thru SMARTS – ad hoc

Electronic copies of the CGP, practice exam and other handout materials provided.

Calculator Training Course for PDH - Various Dates Above

Review of practice problems that require a calculator. Reviews basic algebra order of operations, powers, and specific calculator use. Helps with many BMP calculations, RUSLE, and R Factor for California, pH averaging, risk level, slope, flows, and more.  Professional Development Hours document on your own. Participation certificate will be provided. Class size limited to allow one-on-one assistance. 

Hosted by: M.S. Hatch Consulting, LLC
Where: Online (using M.S. Teams, to be sent upon registration)

When: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Discount prices (for cash, check, Venmo received at least 10 days prior to course $175. Full price (for late and credit card +3.65%).


Course Outline:

***Must have approved calculator that meets PE, CPESC, CISEC or other criteria

  • Algebra, the order of operations, geometry similar triangles
  • Calculate soil loss (RUSLE), Sediment Yield (MUSLE) raise to the 0.56 power
  • Calculate pH average (log conversion), dilution calculations
  • Calculate BMPs – RECPs, check dams spacing, sediment control set-back
  • Calculate run-on and other flows
  • Calculate R factor using California method instead of EPA calculator
  • Practice changing rainfall to runoff using the SCS equation curve graph (TR-55, 1986)
  • Calculate slope steepness and LS factor
  • Calculate risk level for construction
  • Calculate fertilizer and pure live seed (per Caltrans)

Practice problems sent a week before the course.